Sunday 26 October 2008


"Words alone are certain good." said my poet, Yeats. He might have noted that new words are even better. For instance, along comes, Moses (Znaimer, that is) with a whole new tablet of information for us about aging gracefully with panache. (If you have been following this blog you should realize that we have added a new member to our travelling band, Gusto, Elan, and now, Panache.)

Moses' newest addition to his brilliant repetoire of pop culture is Zoomer. I thank my friend, Mary Lou (with a capital "L") for drawing my attention to this magazine. I will be reading its online articles for further evidence of life after maturity...I especially loved the ad of Moses, himself, looking down from a boulder in front of waters that one expects to part at any moment...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zoomer! A boomer with ZIP....I like this and will look for the magazine. Better than a Zipper...sorry I had to do it *smile*
Like you other 'in your 60's wonderful women' I am trying to live with panache as well.